Employee Transport

Does a lack of public transport complicate life for your employees? Do your employees have to travel a long way to work or do you need to widen your recruitment to new areas because of your chosen business location?

Our company has its own bus transport available which our clients can use to transport their employees around nearby towns and villages so that we can fulfil our clients’needs to the maximum possible.

JOB LEADER is equipped for this service with modern Mercedes and Iveco buses which have capacities of up to 22 employees per shift. The buses are equipped with an online employee registration systém thanks to which the customer can monitor employees‘ attendance in real time from the beginning and take and necessary action.

This transport offer is only included with recruitment or temporary help. It is a complete service for our customers. We will prepare this service to order according to the customer‘s requirements.

From our recruitment branches in Cheb, Kadaň, Most, Ústí nad Labem, Děčín and Liberec we are able to provide employees with transport to neighbouring countries – Germany and Poland, direct to their front doors.

Does this possibility interest you? Do you want more information? Contact us with no obligation at poptavky@jobleader.cz. And we can together find you the best solution.


Denisa Brichtová
+420 226 523 555

We are available:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

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