About the company

We help firms to grow and employees to find great jobs. We have been in the Czech and German markets for 15 years and thanks to international experience, financial strength and stability we are your ideal partner for growth and development.

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate of management quality is a commitment for us so that we always provide exceptional services and if possible offer something more. We care all the time for development and Innovation and we have the ambition to become the top among personnel agencies.

We do not just follow trends but we set them. The market and the whole company are still changing dynamically and firms and employees have different requirements. Therefore we are changing as well. We are opening new systems, thinking about new products which have not existed until not. We are not standing still but continually moving forwards.

We meet hundreds of candidates and companies. We appreciate that that they often rely on us. We are here for you and we do everything to reduce worry in the search for employees and employers.

We are JOB LEADER and we will help you to orientate yourself in the job market.


Denisa Brichtová
+420 226 523 555

We are available:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

I have a question

Significant events in the companys history



Creation of the JOB LEADER brand in the Czech Republic






ISO 9001:2015 certificate of management quality



World Crisis and change in the job market



COVID-19 pandemic which the way of working in the whole world



Založení JOB LEADER investiční společnosti

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Ivan Nídr

Wedesign s. r. o

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